1.1 Author: any natural person who created the elements present on this site, including copywriters, graphic artists, designers and developers of the arborescence.
1.2 Browser: client software facilitating the connection to web sites.
1.3 Producer: Site Owner, in accordance with Art. Al.1 L.341-1 of the Code of Intellectual Property.
1.4 Website: all resources available under the domain name lou-paloumayre.com.
2.1 Producer:
Lyonel LATASTE représenté par Lyonel LATASTE
Siège social: Grand Couchey - 286 chemin de Baron
33430 BAZAS - 05 56 25 09 22 - 41357692700045
2.2 Author: Sébastien NARBEBURU - 21 rue Grossolle, F.33210 CASTETS ET CASTILLON
2.3 Host: Sébastien NARBEBURU - 21 rue Grossolle, F.33210 CASTETS ET CASTILLON
3.1 All efforts of the producer tend towards greater compatibility of access to his site. However, access to it will give the best results by using the Microsoft Internet Explorer version 7.0 or a later version and Mozilla Firefox version 3.0 or subsequent.
3.2 For any comments regarding the site, you can send a message to the producer here.
4.1 No personal information is collected without your knowledge.
4.2 No personal information is disclosed to third parties.
5.1 All elements of the Site, including images, graphics, wallpapers, logos and signage elements are also the subject of intellectual property rights of the Producer under the copyright in those elements or the site as a work of copyright or as a database.
5.2 All texts reproduced on the Site are the property of their authors. The use thereof is made in the usual conditions of copyright as defined by the Code of the French intellectual property, and conform to the Berne Convention and subsequent international agreements, apart from that given in 5.3.
5.3 Any other use of content on our site requires the agreement of the Producer and the authors concerned. The following note must appear on all copies of all or part of the contents of the site: "LYONEL LATASTE - lou-paloumayre.com - All rights reserved". Any authorized use of the components or on the Site should not be distorted, modified or altered in any way whatsoever.
5.4 Any use, even in private, of all or a substantial part of the Site requires the agreement of the Producer Database in accordance with the provisions of art. L.342-1 of the Code of Intellectual Property.
5.5 Any breach of copyright rules and the law on databases is punishable under the criminal copyright infringement, without prejudice to any claims for damages from the copyright owners.
Lyonel LATASTE - All rights reserved.
7.1 Liability of the Producer can not be instituted for a third party site that you access via the Site. We have no way of controlling the content of these third party sites which remain totally independent of the Site. Moreover, the existence of a link between the Site and any third party site does not in any way that the Producer agrees to some extent as it is the content of this site and especially the use that could be done.
7.2 In addition, it is incumbent upon the User to take precautions to avoid contamination of the Site including one or more viruses, "Trojan" or any other "parasites".
8.1 The Producer allows any website or any other medium to cite or to establish a hypertext link to its content.
8.2 The approval of establishment of a link is valid for any medium, except those containing information of a controversial, pornographic, xenophobic or being to a greater extent affect the sensitivity of the biggest number.